
Sunday, August 26, 2012

BELLE’S GUIDE: Advice from Career Coach Julie Cohen

Belle’s Guide to Work & Life is a biweekly column written by Belle Rose for M.L.T.S. Magazine. The column runs every other Thursday and covers topics like how to behave in the workplace. This post was first published on August 23, 2012.

For many of us, the month of August signals the end of a carefree summer and a transition into the school year. Whether you are a teacher like myself, a student, or have students at home, this month is usually full of excitement and nervousness. Although there are still a few beautiful days left to be enjoyed, most of us are spending them preparing to go back to the grind. The days become shorter, to-do lists get longer, and there is less time for rest and relaxation. It’s a continuous conundrum. How do we live enjoyable, fulfilling lives with so many other responsibilities needing our attention?

To answer this question, I enlisted the help of Professional Career Coach Julie Cohen. She is the author of Your Work, Your Life… Your Way and has helped hundreds of clients on the road to successful, balanced lives.

When surveying her clients’ needs, Cohen found that most professionals regardless of age worried about the topic. “No matter what they came to me for, mostly everyone had issues with work-life balance,” she says. So, what is work-life balance and how do we know if we’re achieving a healthy proportion?

“There isn’t one definition of work-life balance,” Cohen begins. “It’s critical that the individual defines what that means to them. It’s very unique.”

According to Cohen, there are two myths: one, that there is a concrete definition of work-life balance, and second, that there is a uniform way to evaluate your progress.

“What I want for everyone is an overall feeling of personal and professional satisfaction,” Cohen says. “So, if we’re aware of our preferences and challenges that we might have, we can make deliberate choices that can move us toward that more balanced state.”

You must have a clear vision of what balanced means to you. Maybe this means spending more time with friends, getting to the gym three times a week, or eating a healthy diet. “When they have that vision, that’s where we start looking at the gap between where they are now and where they want to be. Then in the coaching process we look at what’s preventing them from moving in that direction,” Cohen says.

In her book, Cohen discusses what she calls the “7 Keys to Work-Life Balance.” They include things like being clear in your priorities, setting boundaries, and engaging in self care. One thing you can do to have a healthier work-life balance today is to look at how you take care of yourself, Cohen says. If exercising, eating healthy, or seeing friends is essential to your work-life balance, make it a priority.

“We need to be well in order to do all that we need to do,” she says. Many assume that pouring everything into your work without taking care of yourself will lead to better work when in fact, the opposite is usually true. Becoming a better you always leads to better work.

As the summer is winding down and football season is just around the corner, I challenge you all to think about your definition of a balanced life. What is your vision? I also recommend you pick up Julie Cohen’s book Your Work, Your Life… Your Way to find more tips to enhance your own work-life balance. As for me, I’ll be soaking up the last of the sunshine and setting my own goals for the upcoming school year.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

MUSINGS: Summer 2012

As I walked outside today to attend to a laundry list of errands, I noticed the absence of something this summer has brought in droves- humidity. It reminded me that my favorite season is just around the corner. I am always very reflective around this time of the year as September brings another new beginning for those of us who operate on a school-year calendar.

I want to take this time to reflect on what a wonderful summer it has been. Here are some of my highlights.

  1. Myrtle Beach, South Carolina: In June, I had the pleasure of visiting beautiful South Carolina. The weather was gorgeous: the sky was blue and there wasn't a rain cloud in sight. We stayed in a family friend's condo right on the beach. The view was breathtaking. I read plenty of books, soaked up the sun, and spent time with my family. I'm blessed to have wonderful parents who taught me the value of vacating. Relaxation is truly the remedy for anything.

    Reading on the beach in South Carolina.

  2. Milford, Connecticut: My family used to live here many years ago, so it was fun to rediscover our old stomping grounds. We visited a few of our favorite spots over a long weekend and even drove past our old home. It was a really nice trip down memory lane. Milford will always have a place in my heart.

    Walnut Beach in Milford, Connecticut

    Me and my lovely boyfriend at Walnut Beach
  1. Rocky Gap Lodge and Resort: This year me, my mom, aunt, and cousin went to Rocky Gap Lodge & Resort in Cumberland, Maryland for a Girls' Weekend. There really is no better way to relax than to surround yourself with mountains not only because of the inspiring views, but also because I got no cell phone service in that area. Without the distraction of e-mail, Facebook, and texting, I was able to really turn off. It ended up being such a nice weekend relaxing with Pina Colada's, swimming, spa treatments, and chit-chat with my favorite females. 

    Rocky Gap Lodge & Resort, Cumberland, MD

  2. Steelers/Eagles Preseason Game: I was born and bred a Steelers fan, but since I moved to Philadelphia, I've had to tread lightly. The fans here are very serious about their sports. My boyfriend got us tickets to the preseason game at Lincoln Financial Field and it was an awesome experience. There were tons of Steelers fans in the crowd, so I felt right at home! Another really cool experience: being on the jumbotron! Woo! Even though the Steelers lost, I was content just to be there for the season opener. It gets me so excited for all of the football to come -- including the fantasy kind! 


  3. Spending Time with Friends and Family: I spent a lot of time catching up with friends and family this summer. I'm guilty of not being great at keeping in touch during the school year, but I do try to put genuine effort into maintaining my relationships. Whether it was at a softball game, shopping, park visits, or out to lunch, seeing all of the people I don't get to see on a daily basis was a truly rewarding part of my summer. 

    Taking in a Camden Riversharks game with friends.
Summer 2012 has been one of the most relaxing summers I've had in a long time. I needed the rest and regeneration to start next school year off right. I'm going to enjoy my last complete day of being off before heading back to the grind tomorrow. I hope your summer was filled with as many wonderful memories as mine.

Monday, August 20, 2012


Letting go of the expectations you had for your life can be the most beautiful, liberating feeling. You are in the midst of building a better world for yourself than you ever could have imagined. Stop wishing things were different. Things are exactly the way they are supposed to be. 

Happy Monday!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

BOOK REVIEW: Hush, Hush Series (Books 1-3)

“Call me Patch.” He said. “I mean it. Call me.”

Bad boys are a staple in most young adult novels. They have dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin. Everything about them is dark. That is what makes a bad boy so alluring to their unsuspecting female targets. Unfortunately, the bad boy act has been done so many times that it becomes nauseating to read: another disastrous damsel-in-distress reeled in by a black leather jacket and slicked-back hair. Come on, ladies!

Enter Patch, the male lead in Becca Fitzpatrick's Hush, Hush series. He's sarcastic, sinister, and you're never really sure if he's good or bad. I spent a few lazy days at the beach nervously flipping through the pages of the three published books in the series trying to figure him out. I loved him, I hated him, I literally laughed out loud at his corny jokes, but above all, I was captivated by him. What makes the series so interesting is that you truly cannot predict what he's going to do next. He's a welcome departure from the cookie-cutter bad boys chiseled into many fantasy novels.

The final book in the series, Finale, is set for release on October 23, 2012. I am so excited to see what that nuisance will do next. If you haven't caught up on the series, I suggest you begin reading now. By the time you're finished, it may appear that Patch has again switched sides...

BELLE'S GUIDE: Try These 5-Minute Mood Boosters!

Belle’s Guide to Work & Life is a biweekly column written by Belle Rose for M.L.T.S. Magazine. The column runs every other Thursday and covers topics like how to behave in the workplace. This post was first published on August 9, 2012.

One of my favorite mantras goes like this: “Do something valuable today. You are exchanging one day of your life for it.”

Last Tuesday morning I was awakened by a mind-numbing, eye-torturing migraine. Everything hurt: my head, my neck, even my teeth. My only motivation for getting myself up was to wash the pain away with a strong cup of coffee, but when I removed the pot to fill it with water I realized that the $9 machine I purchased from Target was broken. In hindsight I’m not surprised even though I had bragged about my bargain, but I was certainly angry in the moment. Determined not to let this ruin my day, I took two Excedrin Migraine, showered, and drove myself through Dunkin Donuts for a quick fix. The day was looking up. As the bell rang to signal first period and students would soon be entering my classroom, I noticed beads of sweat forming on my forehead. The air conditioning was broken.

Ever have mornings like these? It seems as if everything goes wrong. Every time you see a little light at the end of the tunnel, it’s crushed by an oncoming train. By the end of that day, I wanted to hit stop, rewind, and do it all over again no matter what the butterfly effect would be. Everything about that morning was just off. I didn’t want to do anything valuable. I wanted a complete redo. Unfortunately, the nature of most of our jobs leaves little time to regroup when we’re feeling frazzled. Most of us are expected to be bright-eyed and smiling all day. In my case, one hint at a bad mood evokes a chorus of thirty students asking, “What’s wrong?!”

Here are a few ideas to brighten your mood when you only have five minutes.
  1. Pour yourself a cup of hot tea. Spend five uninterrupted minutes breathing in the aroma and allowing the warm liquid to soothe your soul.
  2. On a sheet of paper, list five things you are grateful for or five things you are looking forward to. If you have time, do both. A simple exercise in gratitude will help your brain to fire feel-good chemicals and reduce the stress-producing ones.
  3. Turn on one of your favorite upbeat songs. Sing and dance the stress away! If you can’t manage this due to space or sound restraints, a good pair of headphones and visualization goes a long way. It truly is the thought that counts.
  4. Close your eyes. Acknowledge the fact that you had a bad morning and then gently remind yourself that you are more than capable of making the rest of the day productive. Give yourself three reasons why you are competent and three ways in which the day is going to get better. Speak to yourself as you would a good friend. Do not bash yourself. Sometimes a refreshing pep talk is all you need and often you have to be the one to deliver it.
  5. If the above fails, visit Pinterest and view the ‘Animals’ category.
After completing one of these five things, you should be good as new. Remember, your day is too valuable to spend the entire thing in a bad mood. Migraines happen, coffee pots break, but that doesn’t mean you have to exchange an entire day of your life for it.

Your turn! What do you do when you have only five minutes to modify your mood?

Monday, August 13, 2012

MOTIVATION MONDAY: The Mayonnaise Jar & Two Cups of Coffee

 The Mayonnaise Jar & Two Cups of Coffee
Written By: Laura Bankston

 When things in your life seem almost too much to handle, when 24 hours in a day are not enough, remember the mayonnaise jar...and the coffee...
A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open areas between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students responded with a unanimous "yes."

The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed.
"Now," said the professor, as the laughter subsided, " I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. The golf balls are the important things-your God, your family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions-things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, and your car.The sand is everything else-the small stuff.

"If you put the sand into the jar first," he continued, "there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. Play another 18 holes. There will always be time to clean the house and fix the disposal." Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. Set your priorities. The rest is just sand."

One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented.

The professor smiled. "I'm glad you asked. It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there's always room for a couple of cups of coffee with a friend."

Monday, August 6, 2012

BELLE’S GUIDE: Tying on That Pink, Sparkly Cape

Belle’s Guide to Work & Life is a biweekly column written by Belle Rose for M.L.T.S. Magazine. The column runs every other Thursday and covers topics like how to behave in the workplace. This post was first published on July 26, 2012.

Women have come a long way since the days of baking pies and picketing. Some still love to bake and some continue to fight for the causes they believe in. The wonderful thing about the evolution of the modern woman is that you have the ability to choose. Women are no longer restricted to the kitchen. We have our own voices. We make our own rules.

Times have changed drastically since the days of Alice Paul. While she was looked upon as an anomaly for not marrying or having children, it is now far more common that women are choosing to delay these milestones- if they decide to indulge them at all. I am a 27-year old inner-city school teacher. I’m not married, nor do I have children, but I do have a career. Do I want those things someday? Absolutely! But in these trying times, simply wanting to be a homemaker does not make it a reality. Women who choose to marry and have children are not always afforded the opportunity to stay at home to raise them. These are the challenges we face as women of the twenty-first century. So while I won’t be able to tell you the best brands of baby formula or where to take your honeymoon, right now I can share with you what I do know: how to navigate the workplace.

I began my working life at 12, when I got a job as a paper girl. After that, I held a regular series of part-time, dues-paying jobs until I finished my degree and began my career five years ago. Although I’ve had my fair share of ups and downs, it has been a great experience. I have met so many positive, motivated women who have guided me along my journey. Their wisdom and dedication inspire me daily.

Being a young woman in the work force can be difficult. You must walk a fine line between delicate and demanding. If you’re too delicate, you’re seen as weak and if you’re too demanding, you’re seen as masculine. It is an unfortunate double-standard which most of us have faced, but it is one that can be successfully overcome. I believe most of us have the innate desire to please those around us. In my large Italian family, we do that with food. The more you mangia, the more you care. In the workplace, many women fall into that trap by accepting extra responsibilities. We tie on our pink, sparkly capes and dive into the workforce head on. The truth is, this behavior only leads to burnout.

This feature will serve as a bridge between those of you who are desperately trying to get your foot in the door and my own experiences which will always make sure your feet are firmly planted before trying to enter. I will draw upon my knowledge and others to help all of you motivated young women ease your way into the work place.