
About Me

Reading and writing is not my day job: it's my passion.

Ever since I was little, I can remember being captivated by stories. My favorites were The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle and the “Little Monsters” series by Mercer Meyer. My love of tall tales went so far as to get me in trouble more than once. If I had a boring day at school, it wasn't uncommon for me to conjure a story to make it more interesting. One call to the principal from my mother and strict punishment was all it took to remedy that situation.

As I transitioned into young adulthood, I found myself entranced by the world of fantasy. Demons, dragons, wizards, and werewolves. I couldn't get enough. I devoured any piece of literature I could get my hands on, especially if it veered far off the beaten path. I loved anything that brought the paranormal to life. It wasn't long before I started creating my own worlds full of wonderfully strange characters bursting with stories to tell. My love of storytelling continues.

Although I have responsibilities as an adult, I often find time to slip into other worlds, even if only for brief periods. Some call it 'escapism', but when I'm happily drowning myself in a story, I feel like I belong. I satisfy my cravings through books, movies, and television, all of which engage me equally. I love to laugh, cry, and meander along whatever route the author has chosen to take me.

This site is an extension of my love of stories and my ambition to create my own path. I hope you'll join me.

- Belle